green banner with yellow text declaring No Appetite for Apartheid, a small Palestine map outline logo
... a national campaign by the Palestine Solidarity Working Group

No Appetite for Apartheid!

No Appetite for Apartheid is a national boycott campaign launched by the Palestine Solidarity Working Group and powered by a growing number of local grassroots coalitions. Inspired by long-standing Palestinian boycott tactics and the BDS call, we are canvassing local stores in our communities and asking them to pledge to become Apartheid Free Stores by dropping food products and companies that are complicit in the colonization of Palestine from their shelves. It’s time to turn up the heat on this apartheid regime and take apartheid off our plates with the #NoAppetiteForApartheid campaign.

Active Campaigns

New campaigns are actively being launched.

Sign up for updates for your area or get in touch about starting a campaign .

About the campaign:

Why a food boycott?

  • Divest from food grown on stolen land: the U.S. is the biggest importer of Israeli food products ($396 million in 2019). One of the many ways the U.S. subsidizes the economy of the occupation.
  • Starve the apartheid regime: Israel's food industry is a beneficiary of the political economy of settler colonialism: from products grown and manufactured on stolen Palestinian land; to exploiting low-paid Palestinian workers; to profits and taxes funding Israeli Occupation Forces.
  • Every day choices of US consumers contributed to the downfall of apartheid in South Africa. Since 2005, Palestinians have called on the global community to engage in consumer boycotts.

What products are we boycotting?

  • Sabra: founded by Strauss group, sponsor of the IOF and “authorized supplier” to the “defense ministry” and now owned by PepsiCo (still on the BDS list!)
  • Israeli wines: wineries often operate in illegal settlements or use settlement-grown grapes
  • Sadaf: USPCN has called for a boycott of this brand, who masquerade as “Middle Eastern” to infiltrate and profit off Palestinian & Arab communities while materially supporting Zionist settler economies and lobbying.
  • Any produce labeled “Made In Israel” including:
    • Dates: brands like Jordan River, King Solomon, Galilee Export, Carmel Agrexco, Star Dates, and more
    • Other: brands like Jaffa Oranges, Mehadrin, Agrexco, Arava, Tivall, and more
  • Others: we maintain lists of complicit brands for stores and provide vetted replacements.

Why focus on canvassing local stores and asking them to become Apartheid Free?

  • This tactic is explicitly aligned with the ongoing effort to create Apartheid Free Zones globally.
  • Proven and effective tactic to leverage collective power against strategically-selected targets.
  • Removing complicit Israeli products from stores has a material impact on Zionism.
  • Canvassing and engaging with the local community provide opportunities for base-building and development of relationships, which strengthens our movement as a whole.

Is there a way I can check if a product should be boycotted?

  • Use apps, like the Boycat App (official app of BDS) to scan barcodes to find out if a product is complicit (sign up for their newsletter or join their discord). Use multiple apps (No Thanks, Buycott), and do other research! Be intentional in your research.
  • Check labels: barcodes starting with 729 indicate products made by companies based in Israel.

How do I get involved?

Fill out our interest form to receive the Campaign Toolkit and receive invites to campaign-related events! Our organizers will follow up with you.


Email us further inquiries at [email protected]